Insurance Note:
RYP provides the following services:
Intensive community based comprehensive therapy services for children with ASDs under the age of 5 and under who are not in full-time school. Children must receive at least 20 hours of therapy to qualify for comprehensive, intensive services. Therapy can be provided in either the community or in a daycare setting. We accept Medicaid/Forward Heath and many private insurance companies.
Private pay services for those families waiting forForward Health determination. Hours based on developmental goals and financial capability.
Diagnostic Services Appointment conducted by Dr. Corona-Londre. The purpose of this meeting is to confirm or determine an autism spectrum diagnosis.
RYP accepts most insurance.
Please contact your insurance carrier to determine specific benefits and coverage.
When a client is engaged in treatment, daily services will be provided by Behavioral Treatment Technicians and supervised by a Behavioral Treatment Therapist as well well as by Dr. Corona-Londre. Supervision will include ensuring appropriate goals are being set in alignment with the child's plan of care. Goals and progression will be closely monitored and updated on a 6-month basis.
Social Skills
Play Skills
Cognitive Skills
Physical fitness
Communication Skills
Functional Daily Skills
School Readiness
Behavior Management
To ensure that progression toward goals is achieved, weekly notes will written by the Behavioral Treatment Therapist and signed off by the family, and Dr. Corona-Londre. Furthermore, Behavioral Treatment Therapist will compile progress notes which will also serve to ensure progression toward goals along with concerns and plans for addressing those concerns.